The Easy-To-Go Lysimeter (ETG) complements the product range for field lysimeters in the low-cost range. It offers a standardized alternative to our flexibly equipped Ready-To-Go lysimeters and still provides all the essential functions for determining the most important soil water balance parameters. The ETG comprises a lysimeter vessel with a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 600 mm as well as two soil moisture and soil temperature sensors (SMT-100), a tipping counter, a weighing system and a mast with data logger. The data is continuously transmitted to your individual SVADSS data management portal via NB-IoT wireless technology. All ETGs are suitable for both disturbed (manual filling) and undisturbed soil monoliths (special sampling technology). The ETG lysimeter station can be set up and put into operation without special tools and even without trained UGT personnel.